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Integrating Eventbrite with Mailchimp

So, you want to:

  • send Eventbrite attendees directly to Mailchimp
  • but only if they tick a box in the Eventbrite form saying they give permission to get email updates
  • which should register them as 'subscribed' in Mailchimp with the associated GDPR checkbox ticked, without necessitating an additional confirmation email

Alright, let's do it:

Setting up Eventbrite​

First, add a custom checkbox field in your Eventbrite event:

Set up the trigger​

Then, create a new Zap with the HNI Zapier account. Create another instance of this Zap.

  1. Choose the HNI organization in Eventbrite
  2. Choose the right Mailchimp Audience
  3. Go to 'Advanced Mode'.

  1. Expand 'Set up trigger'
  2. Pick the event you want to edit
  3. Click 'continue' and 'test trigger'. Make sure you have already filled out the form yourself beforehand, so Zapier can find a test subscriber.

Set up the intermediary filter​

Now, we want to set up a filter in order to only process the participants who tick the opt-in box from the first step. Click the + sign to create this step:

Choose 'filter':

Select 1) the field with the opt-in question and set it to 2) exactly match 3) the correct option, and 4) continue to test it:

If you configured it correctly, Zapier says it would have continued processing this Zap:

Configure the Mailchimp Action​

In the last step, you can configure the way the subscriber is sent to Mailchimp. Important steps are:

  • of course, the correct audience and subscriber email address:

  • also make sure that they do not get an additional confirmation email, and that their profile simply gets updated if they happen to already be a subscriber:

  • Also, fill out their name, and set the Marketing Permissions to 'true':

Save & activate​

Click continue a couple of times, and you're done. However, don't forget to give it a distinctive name:

And then, turn on the Zap!